No smartphone for 3 weeks

That is what it takes for my new pixel 6 to be delivered. In the meantime, I will be using one of those little gsm phones with 16color 1" screens. This is a brief report after using it for three days. The functions on this thing are basic; call, SMS, calendar, time, alarm, and one game. I take it out of my pocket, stare at it for a second, and put it back. There's nothing to do with it. It won't scratch that itch you get when you pull out your latest gadget. I've sent a few SMS's to my friends, but it took forever to write. And exchanging messages with my friends who sometimes sent replies of one letter like 'k' quickly filled up my inbox. (limited at 20 SMS). So, I'm calling instead, but people are not used to, as especially in my circle;
- "Why do you call?"
- Because I can't text.
- Why?
- I broke my phone, and I'm using a stupid phone for the moment.
- (awkward silence) Ok... I think I have a ... 
- No, no, it's ok, I'm doing an experiment, for now, I'll stick to my stupid phone.

It feels almost like I'm left outside of something, but of what precisely, I can't tell. All the messages on WhatsApp, telegram, discord, Twitter, IG, FB, email, etc... I do check some of these daily on my computer. The real issue is with banking apps and authentication on some services, requiring app confirmations for specific operations. I borrowed my mum's for that.

But there are some advantages too; I found myself keeping track of time a little bit better than before. Time seems to have slowed down a bit. I found myself getting bored looking over the window during a train ride, so I pulled up a notebook and started writing. When was the last time I did this? Months ago, when I was backpacking. I also seem to manage my time better because I have more continuous flow due to the absence of notifications.

I love this smartphone detox, but I can't wait to receive my new pixel 6; I'm secretly fantasizing about the many things I'll use it.