"Well, of course you did. I don't think anyone here has ever seen a parka. You packed like a Soviet defector."
"Hell of a view, though. And that sun. No wonder you're killing it down here, all of your clients couldn't dream of a depressing thought."
"Romance is killing it, Gennady, we're just strapped to the rocket."
"Then why do you need me?"
"Not everyone's idea of the perfect love story is two teens skipping through Paris. But, knowing you, all we'd get from six months' time remotely is a psychological drip-work about some cobbler who lost his wife in a car accident."
"See, you're even considering it. But down here, I want to see what you can really do. Your heart's still a winter's chill. Let's see what you can do with a little more livelieness.
Waiter, two more of that Belgian one."
Waiter, two more of that Belgian one."