Book Club

I joined a book club a few months ago - in October 2021 if I remember correctly. 
I was skeptical at first cause I have had a had time reading some books that were recommended for me. I also wanted to reduce the number of books I was reading in a year. 

I loved 2019 because I forced myself to read less books but focus on putting them to practice. It is pointless to read so many books and promptly forge them. 

What I liked about this new club was that we would do fiction and non-fiction. Since I had already changed my perspective about fiction, I was happy to hear that. In addition, there was a monthly goal sharing and updates at the monthly meetups. That part I knew I would love. The icing on the cake for me was realizing that the rest of the members were killing it in other areas of their life and hearing from them on a monthly basis was very motivating. 

Since I joined this club, I have read about 8 books - only 2 were non-fiction. I find it interesting to discuss books and topics that are interesting with the rest. I have done a good job of starting my online presence and learnt from a few ladies who are already active online. I got motivated to start writing my book and sharing my posts more regularly on medium. 

Last week - we all had a zoom meeting to create a vision board. I had dabbled in vision boards before but doing it together with a group felt different. I completed my board with everything I could want for 2022 and made it my background image on my laptop. I also got a printed version for my room. 

So far, I like the ripple effect of joining a book club.