Meeting today

Today I was in a meeting for the field of science I am in. Senescence. It was very interesting and cool to see research from all over the world, but then at the end we had a brainstorming session and everyone kind of brought up what they heard talked about throughout the meeting. I forget what that is called, like when you recall information that you most recently heard. The psychologists will know, science is weird in that you try to find new knowledge, but it seems silly to always do what you know other people are doing. Then how will you find something new. 
I guess the other side of that is you do things that no one understands. During the meeting they talked about how the phenomenon of senescence was discovered, at first it was just something a guy noticed. Then it was like yeah that is a thing but only happens sometimes, now it’s a thing and people are giving money to help understand it even more. It’s hard to find those things that become much more important but it does seem like you first have to notice the small things. Or the things that don’t make sense. That was also how one of the presenters started their projects with something that didn’t make sense but no one else wanted to do. 

Hopefully we have more meetings with new ideas until then we will do what everyone else does. Sad.