
31 days are done in this year. Solid B.
I like 2022 so far. 

Starting the year without a full time job/boss/stress pulling me down makes this the best start to a year since 2006. The way I feel, I can do anything I put my mind too. The most essential piece after good health is time for me. And I got that. 

In Jan, I did the following:

1. Started to make progress towards my book. Comingelsewhere.com
The outline, the idea, the year, the location and other details like that are done. 
I wanted to finish the first draft before Feb but I have done about 40% of the initial draft. I was discouraged along that way when it hit me that I had underestimated the amount of work it took to write fiction. But nothing has changed... I am pushing on. Slow and steady.

2. In order to get better at writing, I started devouring books. Especially fiction. I need to learn how people introduce characters, how good authors describe a sensitive issue, how to create suspense and so much more. As a consumer of books all my life, I wasn't deliberate about the art. Especially of fiction. Now that I am a convert to the power of fiction, I am eager to get good at creating it. 
Towards that end, I read 3 novels this month. I took masterclass lessons by David Baldacci and Amy Tan. I haven't read either of their books but I loved how their courses were formatted. Felt like it was for a beginner like me. I need all the lessons I can get. 

3. In the relationship department, I felt like I went past my comfort zone. I have regular calls with people I like to talk to. I am making the time for that type of interaction and I see how positively it is impacted me. I met a whole bunch of people through classes I was taking and a book club I am a part of. It has made me encounter like minded people who also enjoy hustling though life. 
My relationships with family and friends is also good. One very young guy I really liked passed away in early January. He was just 30 years old. The type of person who knew how to build relationships without much effort. It was a type of wake up call in our circles. Even the news seems to talk a lot more about suicide among celebrities. We could all use with more friends and loved ones as this weird pandemic keeps going. 

4. I took several classes on NasAcademy. It is mostly about content creation and social media presence. That is another area where I have ZERO skills. One of my goals this year is to get better at both. For business and personal branding, an online presence is becoming a pre-req. Especially video content creation is here to stay for a while. And I am enjoying learning. Before the end of the year, I want to add content creator as a title I earn along with writing. 

5. Last but not least - health. After a year of practice, I am in cruise mode with my health. One meal a day, low carb, home made food, very little processed chemicals in what I eat and lots of water - is my routine. My energy, my skin and output tells me that I am in the right direction. 
My sleep could use some help though. I don't seem to sleep and wake up at the same time yet. With no 9-5, it is hard to force my body to wake up early - when I could get more sleep. 

Overall, January was a solid month for me. 
The #1 contribution to that is the people I exposed myself too. Strong, determined and goal oriented people that help me to stay focused and connected. I intend to keep going. I am giving myself 6 months to get some big things done. 1/6 is done. 5 to go.