
Many years ago, in the early years of my arrival in the US, I got a job working in a gift store. I was in between semesters at the college. I had also quit the Kmart job I had after I got a full time job tutoring statistics and math to college students. 

I had about a month of the holiday season and I wanted to make money. A friend of my mom told us about a position as a cashier in downtown Baltimore by the inner harbor. After my Kmart and college tutoring experience, I felt confident going into this job interview. I was hired on the spot for a little more than minimum wage. I wasn't complaining. 

The store was in the middle of a high traffic and high end stores by the harbor. A lot of people in expensive suits stopped by the gift store. The prices of the items in the stores were ridiculous in my opinion but I kept that to myself. None of the customers were complaining. 

One day, a lady came in and asked me a question. " Do you guys have any SpongeBob gifts?"

I sent a query to my mind. Spongebob?
Nothing returned from that query. I had never heard of it before. 

So I responded honestly. "Who is Spongebob?"

The lady looked at me like I was insane. She repeated - "Spongebob!"
Like repeating the word in a higher pitch would help. 

I looked at her with a blank stare. 
She continued, "Oh for god's sake."

She was rushing to do her errands in her lunch break and couldn't believe her luck in finding me. Probably the only person in the building that hadn't heard of that character. 
She rolled her eyes and left the store.

Yesterday, I was watching tv with my niece and nephew. And this yellow square character came on tv. Spongebob!
Took me back to memory lane.