Content Creation

I have been on social media over the last 2 months more than I used to.

It was a deliberate attempt to increase my social media presence for both my upcoming book and for the business product I want to launch. From the various books and shows I have listened to, it is a necessity to have a presence either as a person or a business since the first thing people do is google something. So controlling what shows up online is a big essential step to break out of the noise. 

Of all the platforms, I was least familiar with Instagram. I knew that FB and IG are similar but it took me a while to understand what to do. I still feel like I need a tutorial to improve. I have a total of 4 posts on Instagram and 95 followers.

Yesterday I was talking to someone that has already published a book. She told me that there is a site similar to kickstarter for book launch. It enables authors to get both traditional and hybrid forms of publishers to approach you depending on the blurb you make for you book on the site. The interesting thing was that most publishers do some math on the number of followers you have on social media to decide if they want to work with you. The world of book publishers see a direct correlation between klout and book sales.

It is interesting that I heard this direct relationship from someone that has published successfully. Though it seems obvious, this confirmation makes me want to continue the path of becoming a content creator online.