Hurdle #2

Today I applied to renew my passport. 
I set out to the nations capital early in the morning and arrived 30 minutes before my appointment. I had everything that was required in an organized folder. For whatever reason, I was nervous. A few people told me that the process is tedious and usually there is a back and forth to get the renewal done. 

Expecting the worst, I set off into the building. There were over 30 people ahead of me in a line. The entrance looked more like an airport check-in. To my surprise, things moved quickly. I got into a second line for getting the ticket to see the agent. Everything moved quickly. I had everything needed so I was told that the passport should be ready by tomorrow. I paid the fees and left with a smile on my face.

Then I saw two doctors in the afternoon that confirmed the green light for the trip. 

Now the things left to do are seeing 2 doctors on Friday and getting the renewed passport in my hands. 

Things are looking up!!