I went to that museum you always told me to go to. They were showing letters of Charles
. He watched birds on one part of an island and then another part and noticed that the birds changed to their environment. They were interested in how he was feeling throughout his trips, and they highlighted that he was actually human. They pulled out letters, where he said he felt bad, and others where he had panic attacks. They cared so much for all his letters, and notes, and correspondence and his rituals what he ate how much he walked.
I wondered about the day you left. Did you know how much things would change, did you still have a short coffee in the morning with a few spoons of yogurt. Were you as worried as him? Did you write enough things down that I could collect them all and if I arrange them on the wall I could figure these things out. I guess I only really have texts now, from whatsapp even. That was probably your old number, because I don't see your picture anymore.
I wonder how they will do that in the future. Like for next Charles Darwin, they wouldn't have so many letters, I guess it will just be selfies and small messages. He used 10 Lols a day, and thats one of the reasons he discovered evolution he was always laughing.