On a train again. There are people heading home mostly. From London and further. Telling their family members on the phone to turn on the hot water. And set the laundry out they’ll do it when they get back.
One guy is in a nice suit. Asking someone on the phone how their sister is and that they should really come down to visit. Yeah no, yeah yeah. That sounds fab.
It’s for me a trip to see a friend. We used to live together now we stopped and he moved away. Tonight I will see his family and all of his friends.
We’re just stopping in Reading now and I am writing, and smiling to myself.
That’s one thing I don’t like about masks you see much less smiles. Also very hard to politely smile. Now I just open my eyes wider.
You alright, yeah.
That still takes me awhile to get you used to, it just means how are you. But it always makes me feel that I look visibly sick. Or scared. Or suspicious.
Lately I’ve been drinking a lot of
diet coke
. Although there are studies about it correlating with dementia or Alzheimer’s or something. It’s not clear.
I guess so. But do ask her what she thinks, before, I don’t know.
It’s weird to be traveling again. I don’t know what else to say about that. Im not even going that far. Just out of the city. Just weird to see so many people I’ve never seen before going about their lives. It’s nice.