Day 3

Today was the last day of the Nassumit conference. 

To be totally honest, I am trying to keep my streak by writing a little something while I try to soak all that is there here. I am so pleasantly surprised by this place that I am sure I will write a longer and maybe more detailed post/video explaining the hurdles and the joys of this trip.

I watched a lot of good content at the summit. Almost too much. I can't retain all this information and I was told that the videos will be made available at some point so I will get a chance to revisit the lessons.

In a tldr format - the summit was all about getting into the future early. These are the things that were talked about as early stage disruptors..

1) Content creation - As a medium for education/learning/entertainment, as a source of advertising, as a freelance job and social impact.

2) Skills like editing, writing, engaging an audience and pivoting to where the demand is - will be essential for the future.

3) Crypto and web3 is the future. It is still early and people that are getting into it need to be very cautious of scammers but in 5-10 years, crypto will be in our lives in some form. 

I will write more on some of the topics in future posts. 
I enjoyed the summit and after the first day, I did a better job of networking. I was surprised at how easy it became for me after a few awkward interactions.  

Now I have a few more days to just chill.