Fiction Tennis, Volley 11

as reply to Fiction Tennis, Volley 10

Greg took the offered Coke and started walking towards the office bar just across from the conference room.

"It already has some in it," Dempsey called out. Greg stopped walking and shot a devious look at Dempsey, then tipped the bottle up, taking a big swig.

"One of your many virtues," Greg said as he wiped Coke and rum off his bottom lip. "Now, I suppose we need to light some shit fires around here to get this project moving by the date we just promised."

"Indeed," Dempsey replied. Together they walked down the hall to Howard's office. Howard the PM.

"You can't possibly expect us to get that done by then!" Howard yelled when he heard the news of the promise they'd made to the customer.

"Why, yes. Yes, we do," Dempsey calmly replied. "Figure it out." And with that, the pair turned to leave Howard to figure it out.

"Nice eye," Howard sniped as they left. Dempsey shot a quick glance at Greg.
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