2nd Quarter

I spent a few days on planning what to do for my health. 

I was already doing a lot but I am not seeing the type of change that I am looking for. I need to get some of my bloodwork to be in a specific range in order to feel at ease. 

I did 2 things. 

First - I decided what is the most important thing to focus on. There are many things I could work on towards better health, but the one thing at a time has yielding me better success. So I decided what that one thing will be. 

Next - I looked at a few sources to come up with a list of what I can and can not eat. The list of can not eat is so long that working on what I can - makes more sense. Fortunately for me, I like to cook and experiment with ingredients to make my food more interesting. I am yet to feel the restrictions that my health requires due to that passion. Living in the US also makes obscure ingredients available somewhere. 

So the result is a set list of things I can have. I am going back to avoiding meat. Including fish. This is a very low protein diet. I am already doing low carb so I have to take some supplements to avoid malnutrition. I am also going to be doing some blood work in a few weeks and again in a few months so I will be able to know if the new diet is working. 

Second quarter is all about health.