Writing Young

Today I met a couple who were friends of mine from work. It is interesting to see people mostly after the 2 year mark due to COVID. A lot of people have more grey, have gained weight of changed their hair styles. It feels odd to see people that live close by but meeting after such a long time. A lot of them with kids are now shorter than them. 

One of the children of the couple was recently rewarded best prize for her writing. Her mom knows that I write so she told me about it and sent me the piece. It was very well done and I was surprised to see the maturity of the piece from someone this young. 

I asked her when she learnt to write so well. She explained that she joined a writing club one of the summers and learnt all about how to write. Before that club, she didn't feel like she could articulate very well. She credits the lessons she got from that club for her winning the competition and the ease with which she now writes. 

This made me wonder if these types of exposure for key skills like communication and problem solving early on is the type of competitive advantage we could all have benefited from. It would have been great to learn such necessary skills back when we were spending years in school.