
I was at the airport yesterday. I found myself looking at the people and how they interact with each other. 

It is fascinating to see how parents talk to their kids, how couples act in public and especially watching people that seem to be returning home from the US after a long time. 

Most people traveling on Ethiopian Airlines have a minimum of 4 luggage. Two are allowed for free and every additional luggage is $200 dollars. There were people shelling out $1000 in addition to their ticket to get things into Ethiopia with them. I was shocked at that because that price is that of a round trip. 

I also saw people crying as they said goodbye to the person they were sending off. Airport interactions are among the most authentic and vulnerable ones. 

As I said goodbye to the person I came to drop off, I found myself emotional as well. There is a bad feeling of doubt. Will I see this person again?

If it is up to me and my health improves, I will be sending myself off to Ethiopia is July.