Finish A Thing

There’s been a change lately in the weather here and it’s nice. Very sunny, and smells like spring. My writing here has slowed due to thesis, but also still writing a lot. Almost to 100 day streak! So must keep it up. I am trying to finish one chapter at a time after I made the original plan. My mind would like to skip around and finish small parts here and there, but I don’t know if that is the best. It is the best for my mind but in terms of actually finishing things I don’t think so. I really like leaving things in the space of could be. It doesn’t require you to finish and it allows you to pretend it’s awesome. And not accept it’s flaws. Even though most things have them. 

I worked for an artist for awhile. He was obsessed with planning. But he always made us very quickly try our plans on the real world. The material doesn’t lie. Sometimes you want to make a thin cut and it just physically can’t work, too thin. 

I don’t know yet what that would look like with my thesis. But I think in the process it’s committing to make a finished thing. For thesis it’s a chapter. Idk what it is for a book. 

In the editing stage I will likely change things with these finished things, but gotta wrote something to be able to edit it.