She had not responded to him since the night he was over. That strange night. With the blue package. And that awful, unexplainable, humming.
She had said nothing about it and neither did PT. She hoped that it would make it seem less real then. Like she was just imagining it.
Scary things in life no longer were monsters jumping suddenly out of the dark. They were slow creeping things that drove into your life, visibly the entire time.
That's what these packages felt like. And now she was connecting him to the negative feeling as well. When she thought about him she wondered if he was keeping something from her. Like she was being played or something. When they were together she would be certain that was impossible, but it was during their times away that she got to thinking such things.
When he called, she considered not answering. Maybe she could leave this whole thing behind her. Just a fun few weeks of her life that never led anywhere. Maybe then she'd be able to find PT years later and they could catch up over a
and they could talk about how bizarre that whole business was.
She knew if she answered his call then this thing would continue.
"Hi. I was wondering if I could come over. Or if you wanted to meet someplace."
"Yeah sure. You can come over."
There weren't much words exchanged, but she could tell by his voice that something had happened. She didn't bother asking, he would tell her once here.