Write first.

It's nice to be first. 

Today, I'm taking advantage of the late-night coffee and getting my Adagia reps in. It feels great.

I've been playing in Figma drawing faces and getting ready for the March Cohort of @daily__visual. I had so much fun last month learning about design, getting faster, and using art for time to connect to myself, that I'm really looking forward to what another month of consistent effort could bring.

Continuing the nice to be first thought.

It's nice to be first up and make breakfast for everybody in the family. It's nice to be the first to call grandma on her birthday. It's nice to be the first one to bring home groceries as the staples run low. The funny thing about first is, it's often also the easiest — for me.

How is being first easy? I've got a tight evaluation loop running in my head. I learned it while programming. There's a thing called a REPL. It stands for Read, Evaluate, Print, Loop. It allows you to type code into an interactive prompt that uses the programming language the REPL is written for to run (evaluate) your code and print the output. If I keep a REPL in my head for the basics in each of my human roles, it helps ensure the family stays smiling, the bills are paid and the jokes keep flying on Twitter.

Who wants to be the first to comment? It's nice.
Being first is so nice. 

Being last is nice too. 

In my past life I liked being last better. I liked being the last person there with the other last people. The people still up at 5 am talking about whatever we were talking about. Back then these conversations were the essence of life. The real deal. 

Nowadays thought I like doing things first -- like you mention here --. which means I can't always be there last. Tradeoffs, but right now I like the one I'm taking. Feels more sustainable, too.
2021-03-01 13:53:24