
PO Box 915
sense as reply to Good Boy

Abraham Kim
PO Box package Non Profit photos dog's gaze
The  photos were left with him. He felt a bit sad, assuming now that the photos were unimportant or wrong. He would've been more happy had Jasmine taken them with her. Instead he was here staring at them trying to make sense out of them.

Jasmine had left his apartment almost...

PO Box 915
waiting in the unit as reply to hey stranger

Abraham Kim
Tesla Apartment package gravity motel Tinder
The black  Tesla pulled into the parking lot of the  Apartment building that had its unit doors directly facing outside like an old school motel . 

Zach's goodbye felt nice. Like a sentimental ribbon tied onto a package that made all the things that had happened nicer. He needed that....

PO Box 915
gravity as reply to Johnny Timberland

Abraham Kim
post office cafe barista coffee hipster college package coat decaf gravity
His stomach sank. He thought once more, this trip is going terribly. He was sweating under his winter  coat . He took it off and the wind made him shiver. He looked around trying to spot his bike. Filled with determination, he started to walk the perimeter of the entire ...

PO Box 915
Package as reply to Envelopes

Abraham Kim
post office package CLIF Bar
Because there were no markings on the package , he thought whether it could even be called a package at all.

After all, weren't packages things that were marked so they could leave some place and end up at some destination?

Normally he'd want to open something like this, but he knew...