
PO Box 915
waiting to serve as reply to Thank You Richard

Abraham Kim
money retire abortion Westcity podcasts mid-wit debauchery pride women homemakers
For years... actually decades by this time... Richard had a calm "fuck off" ready to serve his sister the moment his she would reach out for help. The two had been close before the money , and when he first began earning real money he couldn't be more excited, the...

Fiction Tennis, Volley 18 as reply to Fiction Tennis, Volley 17

Abraham Kim
pregnant abortion
A woman's voice responded on the other line. This freaked her out.

But then she registered what the voice was saying.

"Hello this is Max Dempsey's office. Sarah here. How may I help you?"

"Oh sorry. I just happened to get the wrong number. Sorry."

She hung up. "No worries." Sarah had said. But...