
Doug 26 - Jack the Bodybuilder as reply to No this is great

Abraham Kim
Jack bodybuilder fat social media influencer puppet Arnold social circle
The donations would have to stop one day. Just a matter of time.

His girlfriend always got her way. Even though he was the face of the brand, she was the one who controlled the strings. Jack was a mere  puppet .

He hadn't even really wanted to get buff. He only...

keith needs food as reply to Nothing

Abraham Kim
Georgio's pizza Spacecity food fat
He found  Georgio's on the way to where he thought Max's was. He didn't want to get pulled over by the cops. So drove into the parking lot. He could hit the diner for breakfast the following day.

Right now he needed some meat, cheese, and bread to soak up the...

science as reply to Pretended

Abraham Kim
food fat calories visceral fat liposuction
Bob had a genetic condition. When he ate  food he could hear the  fat cells filling with lipid. He used to worry that other people could hear it to. Nobody else could. They could clearly see, however, that Bob did seem to convert food to adipose tissue near instantly.

His cardiologist...

a secret as reply to The Blue Man

Abraham Kim
Homer Simpson college social media money fat obese frat wealthy
The  fat man wasn't actually that fat. Apparently  Homer Simpson was once considered morbidly  obese . But with changing standards he was no longer considered morbidly so. The fat man felt the same way. One day in his 30s he looked at one of his old suits that he wore...