
at least the groceries as reply to Dave Said.

Abraham Kim
Big Joe groceries inflation
It was enough food for two days he supposed. Calories. No nutrition really. But something to consume and not be 'starving' at least.

He didn't know what he was going to do. In fact he had never gotten a reply to the question: how long would he have to hide out...

but triple as reply to But Double

Abraham Kim
sleep cigars wall street real Cheez-it America inflation China bud light Russia
It was 9AM.

Big Joe had stayed in. Like he always did the night before a job.

He had drunk two shots of whiskey. Like he always did the night before a job.

It helped him fall asleep. Knew it didn't help him actually  sleep . But shit sleep wasn't his big concern,...

michelob as reply to Terminally Chill im the illest

Abraham Kim
Target inflation Michelob
After work Max was listening to Dave tell him about work. Dave had moved away from the diner last year and began working at  Target . Apparently they were raising prices on things so fast that he was changing price tags nearly every day. Sometimes they would raise a price...