After work Max was listening to Dave tell him about work. Dave had moved away from the diner last year and began working at
. Apparently they were raising prices on things so fast that he was changing price tags nearly every day. Sometimes they would raise a price and then put it on sale so that the reduced price was still higher than the original price.
"Things are getting bad aren't they?" Max said.
He felt lucky that he got to eat his meals at the diner. He also was able to bring food back for Dave. Since the diner knew Dave back when he worked there. That on top of the fact that Dave had investments from a past life meant that the two of them could scrape by.
"I heard two younger folk talk about
at the diner today. Guy and a girl."
"Oh yeah?"
"Girl's that same g irl that always comes in."
"Mm. I remember her. She asked me for my eggs recipe."
"Did you tell her?"
Dave laughed. "There's no recipe. You know that."
"Right. But you must've said something. Since she asked I mean."
"I told her that there was no recipe. That it was about paying attention."
"Was she happy with that reply?"
"She took it surprisingly well."
Max cracked open a
light. Low alcohol content. Perfect for a 35 year old who wanted to sip some beer. But didn't want to have a headache or hangover the next day.