Christmas Eve

love gets a job as reply to A good night

Abraham Kim
Christmas Eve Bloomington, IN Bloomingfoods
Two months later there was snow. It was  Christmas Eve . Marc Love was still in  Bloomington, IN . Now with a job.  Bloomingfoods . The west location near downtown. Right by City Hall.

He had become friends with Kevin the deli guy. And Brock working the drinks.

On Thanksgiving he had...

Flash Fiction Practice
Untitled Shared at Dec 28, 2021

Westcity Jean Gras cappuccino coffee cafe Christmas Eve
So nice to see you, Jean greeted me with a hug.

After our pleasantries and a moment of silence where the both of us looked outside at the gentle snow fall she asked me something. Something real. Definitely the first real statement of our conversation.

I'm surprised to learn you're in  Westcity...