service industry

see you later as reply to Tip Jar

Abraham Kim
coffee cafe service industry
He thought about the tip jar. Guesstimated how much was in there. Tried distracting himself until his mind brought back what he was really thinking about. Back at the mansion. With Mr. Green.

He looked for him. He never stayed at the cafe long. But Stan had never seen Mr. Green...

four miles west

Westcity service industry smartphones hackathon project manager stairwell glass steel monolith information age bubble social justice warrior
Four miles west of where Andrew Cook received his 2nd coffee, James Sallis climbed the set of stairs that must've cost at least 2.5 million dollars to design and construct. He thought of the principle of spending that much on just a stairwell. Of course this was no ordinary  stairwell...

X Series [0]

barista coffee Facebook college beer Imogen Howe Westcity service industry blue chip
She thought she might be able to be a  barista forever. So long as she owned the cafes one day. Making 12 bucks an hour plus tips was just not going to cut it for the rest of her life.

The people and their tips were nice. They meant well, but...