Drew @drewb

Drew last shared their writing Nothing, why do you ask?
"I love hitting myself in the name of beauty."

- YouTube

Life, It Self, Is Beautiful. 

All art don't fit the same stage.

Don't lessen it none.

Care taken now is care given later.

- A vet, Young
Drew's Pantry
🍊 9 Tangerines
🍪 12 Cookies
🍺 18 Beers
🍍 11 Pineapples
🥩 12 Steaks
🥟 14 Dumplings
🥃 14 Whiskeys
🍣 14 Sushis
🥓 17 Bacons
☕️ 9 Coffees
🍫 16 Chocolate Bars
🍵 7 Teas
🥚 8 Eggs
🧇 5 Waffles
🍓 5 Strawberries
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