Jack @jack

I like to write, I should write more...
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Jack's Pantry
Jack Covers Scenes from Novels
Jack covers scenes pt.5
Steiner had ascended to the top of the low mountain in the distance. I could barely make out his sun protection flap waving in the high gusts. He was looking down onto us as the sun sank behind him. He must have seen a giant shadowing creeping over our small...
Jack Covers Scenes from Novels
Jack covers scenes pt.4
Mark came over the following day to vent about his break up. Every topic bounced between his ex and his overbearing mother, like conversational ping pong played by one. His drinking was getting worse too. He kept producing little glass bottles of brandy from his vest pockets, his pants, his...
Jack Covers Scenes from Novels
Jack Covers Scenes pt.3
"When I was sixteen, I started shoplifting," she told him as they lay interwoven on her bed. When she told him her post-sex tales, he never said a word unless she asked him a question. He didn't even move. He just lie there like a still pool of clear water.
Jack Covers Scenes from Novels
Jack Covers Scenes pt.2
He led me through the hallway of his flat into a brightly lit living room -- a rarity in Berlin. The windows were completely ajar, opening out into the tranquil inner courtyard of the apartment complex. A soft stream of wind brought in a muted heat from outside and tousled...
Jack Covers Scenes from Novels
Jack Covers Scenes pt 1.
After another hour, the whole procession of protesters had made their way to another part of the city and were out of sight. They hadn't accomplished anything tangible that I could see save for the littered beer bottles glinting in the low winter sun. Some stragglers encased in black clothes...
The Yurt Cooperative
Is Ranch a Luxury Sauce?
An almost full moon cast long shadows along the perimeter of the grounds. Everyone could see their breath in the cold rays of moonlight until the fire was roaring and the temperature amenable for their meeting. The coop was only 6 months old. With eight yurts and only four full...
The Yurt Cooperative
The year is 2030. Advances in battery technology and decentralized power generation have allowed small bands of enthusiastic techno-primitivists to begin their glacial retreat from "the grid". Many such cooperatives have sprung up throughout the industrialized world. Their methods of self-financing are as varied as their denizens, but broadly revolve...
Is the grass always greener?
October marked the eighth move I had made in the previous four years. It has been a turbulent, exciting time to be me. In one sense, some periods of my life can already feel like multiple life times ago. I'm sure someone has remarked more eloquently that nostalgia makes the...