Is Ranch a Luxury Sauce?

An almost full moon cast long shadows along the perimeter of the grounds. Everyone could see their breath in the cold rays of moonlight until the fire was roaring and the temperature amenable for their meeting. The coop was only 6 months old. With eight yurts and only four full time residents, the site had a quality of emptiness similar to places that are full of people during the day, and almost void of them at night. The four young men still encamped for the coming winter were the founders of the Kanye West Memorial Coop. "Alright bubs, it's time for the weekly expense report. Please don't get high until we've discussed every item on the docket this time," said Jasper, "Who wants to go first?"

Ivan stood up. "I was thinking we could set up a small growery in one of the empty Yurts now that the part-timers are gone for the winter. I saw some videos about growing chili pepper and herbs and I think it would taste dank in our winter soups and shit."

"Chili peppers do sound dank," said Carlos.

"How much do you you need from the fund?" asked Jasper.

"I calculated like $200 to start and see where it goes. We can always scale up from there." It was a unanimous yes for the group. Jasper, as the comptroller, transferred the funds to his crypto wallet immediately.

"Alright who's next?" asked Jasper. Vivek stood up and launched into his request.

"I want $100 for ranch. I asked Carlos to pick it up the last times three times he went to the store and he told me he forgot."

"Dude, you're the only one who likes ranch. Why the fuck do you need $100 for it?," answered Carlos

"If you're not gonna' fucking buy it for me regularly then I'd like to have a stash. It's literally the one thing I miss from normal life and I don't think it's asking too fucking much to want some ranch for the peasant food we're eating."

"We are literally just getting this thing off the ground and I think its frivolous to spend the little money we are already earning on your bougie sauce."

"Dude, it's not a fuckin' luxury sauce. We have hot sauce. How can we afford hot sauce and not ranch?"

"Because we all eat hot sauce, even you. No one else likes ranch. It goes against the principle of what we are trying to do here. Hot sauce is low of the processed food continuum. Ranch is like straight up industrial americana bullshit."

"Are you fucking kidding me? You think hot sauce doesn't come from a factory? We don't have to be ideological purists just because you guys hate mayo. I'm not asking you to buy me Poptarts. It's literally a condiment"

"Bro, we made a charter on what kinds of food we'd buy from the store. Ranch has like 20 additives and if we start making exceptions now, this whole project is gonna' collapse."

"Because of RANCH!? Carlos clearly didn't get the memo to not get fucked up before we do these meetings. This is total horseshit. I know if we put this to a vote you guys will just gang up on me."

Vivek stormed off to do a lap in the woods and cool off. When returned they were passing around a joint and by the time the fire was mere embers, Vivek and Carlos were waxing poetic about their platonic love for each other. The next time Carlos went shopping, there was a small bottle of ranch sitting on Vivek's desk when he entered his Yurt.


What do envision as the cyrpto of choice for techno primitivists? Muskcoin?
2021-02-06 19:29:38
Yes -> pronounced yays for kanye
2021-02-06 19:43:20
LMAO, I love this irreverent shit. My favorite lines:

1. "Chili peppers do sound dank," (the soup context makes it spicier)
2. "....the peasant food we're eating."
3. "industrial americana bullshit."
2021-02-09 22:38:14
You know these guys are straight up mining Dogecoin. It's the meme currency for the meme economy. 
2021-02-09 22:39:06

The Yurt Cooperative