I woke up at 3 AM screaming

Sometimes I want to sleep alone, so instead of getting in bed with my girlfriend, I take a pillow and a blanket and lay down on the living room couch. I have fallen asleep with the lights on, listening to a podcast. That is the last thing I remember. It was around 1 AM when my eyes closed and my brain switched into sleeping mode. I remember vividly the terrifying dream I had that night. In my dream, a daemon visited me and tried to kill me. The dream scene was exactly where I was, sleeping on the couch, in my living room. I don't know if my eyes were open, It felt like I was trapped somewhere in a space between dream and physical reality. A junction point between overlapping realities where I was intercepted by this daemon who wanted to kill me. It was a disembodied entity that appeared to be surrounding me and terrifying me to death. It didn't say anything it just acted swiftly like a paid assassin. My breath cut, I couldn't breathe properly. With the little air left in my lungs I started making weird sounds coming from my throat, something resembling a desperate cry. I repeatedly made that cry, trying to wake up. I was fighting to escape, in my dream I pushed and flipped the coffee table with my feet trying to wake up, to get out of that dream. It felt like a long time. All of a sudden I saw my girlfriend open the living room door. She was scared when she saw me. She kept on asking: "what did you took ??" I couldn't answer, I was in shock. She kept asking while threatening that she would call an ambulance if I don't speak - she thought that I took drugs or something. I had my eyes injected red, my lips were black and my face white. She said she never saw me like that, she thought I was poisoned or drugged. I slowly came back to my senses and told her that I had a nightmare, strangely the table was at its place and, I looked around and that malefic entity seemed to be gone.