Day 6

Of my 1 week challenge to wake up early.

Today, I woke up at 6am without any issues. Mentally I felt sharp. And I felt like I completed the week on a high. 

I spent most of today with family affairs. Driving people around. Researching information. But they were all things that were hijacking my to do list for a while and I was procrastinating a lot. So this waking up early has this ripple effect of getting things done. 

Another outcome of this week is reading. I had completely abandoned non-fiction books for several months. The idea of anything self-help related used to irritate me during those months. I had no patience or attention to listen to anything deep. 

This week, I changed that. Though I still managed to read a novel, I have also been reading a book about sales. The #1 best seller on Amazon for that topic called '$100 M offer' by Alex Hormozi. I saw several tik tok videos about the guy and liked how he structured his ideas. I had given up on the idea that I could get better at sales but for some reason, this week, I got into it. Reading the book, listening to the audio book, taking notes and rereading key concepts has helped me understand sales a little better. 

Not sure if it is all because of waking up early, but I like how this week has gone.