November Blue

as reply to broken down in kansas

Blue sped out of there so fast. I didn't really even know he could drive. There was country music blaring in the radio and he had all the windows down. How long is it to Topeka? Blue asked, I told him at this rate in no time, but he should really slow down. Blue said he never felt more free flying on the straight and narrow past the corn. But he did slow down a bit. The clouds got a little darker, blocking the sun.

Blue I gotta say, I didn't think you could drive. And how did you afford that. Blue thought long and looked straight ahead, then to his left then to his right at Denver. 

I need to tell you something. I had a job before this, well I don't know if it was a job, it was all I did. But I danced pretty much. Trained and did shows they played on the phone. 

Denver said oh just like one of them influencers, I've never met one, but I mean any work that earns you money is good. 

Blue made his lips tight, and looked away a bit. The sun poked out from the clouds, and hit his face, a bit warm. He thought about the first time he was out. Then I thought about another time, he was with his mom or wife? There was so much sun, and he was so happy. 

Denver, I gotta be honest, I also painted my face Blue, I was the Blue man. 

Denver was quiet. Internally thinking holy shit, that makes sense. But all he could say was did you kill that girl?

Blue was quiet, Denver knew the answer and they drove like that for miles and miles, past corn and gas stations, and exits. 
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