
I have been posting about 1-2 times a week on Medium this past month. I didn't see significant engagement on my articles. For some reason, I assumed that regular posting will make a dramatic change and could yield me more money from the partner program. 

A lot of my content is a recycle of the posts I wrote here or on 200Wad that had more than usual engagement. So I expected a similar result on Medium. But I suspect that I have more to learn about this medium platform. 

One writer that gets a ton of engagement mentioned that writing shouldn't be like a personal diary. There ought to be a lot of value for the reader. So things like 100 ways to... or 10 reasons why - seem to be the most attractive to the platform. 

I rarely write things like that. I do write about my experiences and lessons learnt but not in the format that most "famous" medium writers do. 

I will give this consistent posting some more time before deciding if I ought to change anything. 
I think that's why I instinctively stayed away from Medium. If I wanted to play the guru/expert/pop writer game and base everything around recyclable platitudes and SEO, I'd do my own site instead of giving Medium the spoils.  
2022-10-26 22:45:01
You have a point. It just takes too much time to get the type of audience Medium already has. 
2022-10-27 19:36:36