At dealingwith's work everyone has their own page in Roam and in them they write a "How to work with [me]". There was no template or suggestions although they all stole ideas from each other as to what to put in this section.
Communication Style
95% Async <------------> 5% Sync
Breakthroughs and clarity may be triggered by high-touch communication, but there must be something to trigger. The actual substance of breakthroughs accumulate for me in my alone time.
I want us to put our reflections out regularly in an async + no-feedback-obligated way. Instead of an email directed at each other, maybe we have a shared Notion or an internal blog. This way we can be privy to each other while not taking resources away from each other's substance building capacity.
Instead let's do quick catch-ups occasionally. These help facilitate those breakthroughs that seem to be only possible with a touch of another human.
Team Size Style
I like small teams. 3 is perfect. 4 is alright. But the fourth person almost always starts feeling like they aren't doing anything. Sometimes that fourth person is me! In the future I might be proven wrong on this.
Work Style
Do your thing. If you don't have a thing you are doing then that should be the first thing. Find that thing.
> Instead of an email directed at each other, maybe we have a shared Notion or an internal blog. This way we can be privy to each other while not taking resources away from each other's substance building capacity.
We basically have this in Roam. I can show you on our call next week.
We basically have this in Roam. I can show you on our call next week.