Just write what flows. That's the sentence that I was met with tonight when I sat down at this otherwise blank page staring back at me. I appreciate that prompt and even though I read it, I didn't listen to it at first. I got stuck in my own head and started writing in circles. I do that often with ideas and projects. I overthink a lot, which is not doing what flows.
I want to start living in flow. My every day life is stressful with work. I feel like I'm in a rut creatively and I'm not excited to wake up in the morning. I'm out of flow.
I'm going to start my experiment here on adagia focusing my writing on finding my flow state and living more congruently with what feels right.
I don't want to settle for swimming up stream against the current every day. It's tiring. I also don't want to hop on the lazy river of life and let it take me where it wants to go.
I want to focus on what lights me up and makes me feel alive. I want to do meaningful work that excites me and makes a difference. I want to live simply and at the same time challenge myself to do hard things. I want to start living in flow.
I want to start living in flow. My every day life is stressful with work. I feel like I'm in a rut creatively and I'm not excited to wake up in the morning. I'm out of flow.
I'm going to start my experiment here on adagia focusing my writing on finding my flow state and living more congruently with what feels right.
I don't want to settle for swimming up stream against the current every day. It's tiring. I also don't want to hop on the lazy river of life and let it take me where it wants to go.
I want to focus on what lights me up and makes me feel alive. I want to do meaningful work that excites me and makes a difference. I want to live simply and at the same time challenge myself to do hard things. I want to start living in flow.