COVID-19 Public Forum

On December 7, 2022, US Senator Ron Johnson hosted a public forum with a variety of experts in public health, science, medicine, law, and journalism to discuss the COVID-19 vaccines. I watched all three hours, and the information presented was very eye-opening.

I received the first two shots of the Pfizer vaccine in August of 2021. It wasn’t an easy decision. I was mad at myself for a while that I let my health deteriorate to a point where I succumbed to the belief that the risks of COVID-19 were greater than the risks of the vaccines for me. Thankfully, I had no complications from the shots, though my hand pain was non-existent before them. I have no proof that they are connected, but it is an interesting observation. Other people were not so lucky, and some of the vaccine-injured people told their stories in the forum.

One interesting section of the forum discussed the lack of quality control for manufacturing vaccines. There is a website called How Bad is my Batch that pulls data from multiple databases to demonstrate that certain lots of vaccines are tied to more vaccine injuries/deaths.

Five months after my jabs, I got Everyone’s Favorite Virus™️. My personal experiment of n=1 verified that the COVID-19 vaccine does not stop you from getting COVID. Strike 1. We also saw a Pfizer executive readily admit to the European Union Parliament that Pfizer never tested the vaccine to determine its effect on transmission. Earlier this year, even the CDC admitted that the vaccines do not stop transmission of the virus. Strike 2.

So let’s review. The COVID vaccines do not prevent you from getting COVID. The COVID vaccines do not prevent you from spreading the virus to others. Why get the shots? The claim is that they will reduce the severity of symptoms and reduce the chances of hospitalization. I’m still waiting to see data to support those claims, but if they are true, then the risk is stratified based on age and other factors. Kids and young adults who are relatively healthy were never at risk for serious complications from COVID. So, why are vaccines still mandated in many places for everyone? Why has the CDC recommended COVID vaccines for children aged six months to five years? Strike 3. At least the house finally had the sense to eliminate the military vaccine mandate.

Plenty of prominent people who once believed that the COVID vaccines are “safe and effective” are now more skeptical. I’m unaware of anyone who was originally skeptical of the vaccines and is now more reassured of their safety and efficacy. In 2020, there was a lot we didn’t know. It’s now the end of 2022, and more and more data demonstrate disturbing health trends.

In the meantime, I have zero interest in boosters. I’ve taken charge of my health, and I’ll let my body handle whatever tries to get me. I’m also not interested in any future vaccines based on mRNA technology until the safety and efficacy have been demonstrated.