Right as Rain

as reply to dead phone

The Blue man was getting ready. He had been getting packages in the mail. Random he thought, even deposits into  his account as Mark Love. Bitcoins, he didn't care for. Who was behind all this? He thought one was Denver. With his infinite wisdom he sent him a bullet journal, but for what. Blue thought and he took it literally kill the man in the nice suit. Thats the only way to stop all of this. So he planned it meticulously, he would do it at the practice sessions he could slip the gun into his leotard, painting it blue. It wouldn't leave his finger prints. He knew there was no paper work on him. Thats how no one found out. So he could just return as Mark Love. The man in the nice suit was plotting already he thought. Another present he received was a postcard. He received fan mail from time to time. Asking him to tour a school, or send some blue paint. But never a postcard. It just said. I knew you had to do it, and I forgive you. Blue knew it was talking about the girl, he thought it was Denver. Who would be risking it all to contact him, but then he thought about that boy a long time ago in the hospital. The one that he tried to communicate to with his eyes. Is it all connected? He meditated, and crossed off things in his bullet journal. He felt like he was on top of the day. And this sense of control pushed him onward. He was right as rain
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2022-12-19 18:30:19