as reply to dream

I check the time, it's 5:40. Damn! 6 AM soon and I haven't slept a bit this night, I pulled the thick dark curtains of my bedroom window, and eventually fall asleep to the sound of water falling during Cassandra's interminable shower.
"- What are you doing??" I open my eyes suddenly to see Cassandra, 10 centimeters from my face, wet hair with her makeup spread all over her face, droplets of water on her shoulders, pretty and giggly just as she is typically.
"- I'm sleeping, don't you see that?"
"- No you-re not"
"- Not until you woke me up" And I turn around on the other side of the bed. - she gets closer to me and spoons me.
"- I'm coold"
"... Your towels are dirty and smelly... and that 10 cent soap your using is bad for the skin"
"... Cassandra dear, if you don't like it bring yours next time, and I want to sleep. I can't sleep and talk to you at the same time"
( Cassandra laughing ) "Oh yes you can. You went to bed late didn't you?"
"yea I did, couldn't sleep, it was a weird night tonight,.. Look, I'll tell you all about it tomorrow okay? Now close your eyes and try to sleep, otherwise the living room couch is available" She's nesting herself next to me, I turn around and grab her in my arms. Her breath is delicate, slow and calm, just like that of a child, only with a faint smell of alcohool.
"Where have you been all night?"
After a short pause she replies in a sleepy voice "Everywhere..,  (pause) ..Berhain since saturday after luch"
"Oh okay, but Thursday you went at Berghain with Mia, we shared an Uber and I dropped you both in front, on my way to the office"
"Yea, they bounced us out,..Actually, Mia got into a fight with a guy while we were waiting in line, it was a shit show, this dude was next to us all the time, we kidna queued together, then he got too touchy with Mia. He asked her a thousand times if she didn't want to go in the bushes with him to get hight; I waited for her to tell him to fuck off, but she was not doin anything so I got pissed off with him and shouted in his face to fuck off. Then the bastard pushed me and then Mia just threw a bottle in his face, people freaked out and cleared the space around us, I caught a glimpse of the bastard, he was fucking bleeding from his forehead and laughing. When I got up, the bouncers came there, picked us both by the arm and kicked us out the line. "Now fuck off please!" Mia was shouting all the time; "it's him, kick him out not us!! he wanted to rape me! he gave us drugs !"
"He really said please?"
"He said: "Now fuck off quickly please!"
"So you didn't make it in in, and where did you go?"
"Nope, after 4 hours of waiting in line; the fucking bastard piece of shit! We left immediately, took a cab to Aeden, than we changed our mind and headed straight to Trezor"
"Was that good?"
"Yea we had fun"
"Was Mia alright?"
"Yea she was thirsty, I turned around for like one second and she was gone. I found her 2 hours later when I was pissing, she was snorting cocaine with some dude in the toilet next to mine"
"Moreover, she sounded like she was into this guy, I was just trying to pee, but they were just about to fuck so I pull out my phone and called her. I could hear the fucking phone buzzing in her purse, she didn't pick up the Bitch was ignoring me, then I whispered at her trough the wall. bitch pick up the phone" and walked out in the hallway."
"Okay, I see, hey Cassandra, why don't you keep the ending for later? I wanna sleep"
"But you asked me!"
"Yes but it's too long, keep the rest for the next episode"
but, she carries on with her story: "So the dude comes out first, I take a good look at his face, then Mia. You forgot to do the introductions bitch did you fuck that guy? I asked"
"Hey ! I said; keep the rest of the story for tomorrow"
"But it is tomorrow already"
"Yes but I wanna sleep"
"And I wanna finish my damn storry, you asked me"
"No, plz, I wanna sleep."
"Ok...papi but you're hard, and you sound stressed... do you want me to take care of it?"

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