
At some point the pressure to continue writing on Adagia and LIfelog and 750 is going make me snap. I can sense the impending nature of priorities bubbling up from different sources. The water is starting to boil.

At some point, I may just hook up the API and source my material from my new blog. unfair-marketing, but for now, I'm happy to continue my streak. 

The new blog is going to be a deeper dive into b2b or technical content. I'm not exactly sure what path looks like at the moment but I want to put on my deep-dive gear and go a lot deeper.

The first step may be to write about It's an interesting piece of technology. It's a hosted CMS that allows one to manage content. 

What is content and why do I need to manage it?

Images, text, videos, links. The stuff you see on blogs and web pages and apps. It's the raw, unformatted data that needs to be stored somewhere and accessed from different clients.

By really breaking the data into Lego™ block-like chunks, a Sanity developer can be creative about how they output the data that comes from the system. The same content could be structured in different ways if it needed to be modified for a mobile app or a kiosk or some other API. 

A more technical blog post would suit my interests. I think I'll explore it. 

What's changing in your life?
Now I only write one or two things at a time for an extended time. I was looking back at my writing even just few months ago and it was all over the place. Whatever topics that fancied me at that time. I think that's great for something private like 750WAD or in my case it was Roam, but for writing something to share with others -- even if just one other person -- I've noticed greater value in sticking with something. Both to the reader and writer. 

That's why I'm interested in why the water's beginning to boil for you on 750WAD. I figured that kind of writing would be purely for you and more like a diary?
2021-03-18 14:09:22
Not counting your blog, if you had to pick just one site to keep writing on of the ones you mentioned, which one would it be and why?
2021-03-18 14:10:24
if I had to choose today, I'd choose Adagia. I consider this small crew friends and I like being able to follow the path 
is on in developing it. I'm not tied to 750 - but have been there for a while and I trust it. It does have a few features I don't really take advantage of. For example, you could use it to track meta data. 

You could write:
sleep: "8 hours felt rested, energy good"
food: "12am to 8pm"

whatever you wanted - and this label -colon- data line would create an entry that gets attached to the date you wrote it. Then, you could go back over time and review your data.
2021-03-18 19:11:19