
as reply to machines

Marianna could care less about Keith. At least thats what she was thinking, and what should said out loud to her computer screen. The guy she was watching she didn't care about. It's not like what people think, they can't watch everyone in real time. And like when they go into the bathroom they can't really see them, because of the EU data laws. But its more like models of them moving around the house. They realistically combine the data from different streams, they get location data from one stream and audio another. Its all dependent on the user though. If they have a smart vacuum then they can see the layout of the house pretty clearly, and if they have one of the those dog cameras they can watch the dog, and if the human is in the shot they can correlate their search histories with approved gestures and groupings. Like you are allowed to record that there is more than one person, but can't really write down the race. You can kind of assume that from smart sink data, but its not perfect. The best thing is the microphone. They usually use it to order stuff but they never set it to off. So you can hear all sorts of stuff. She actually liked this data the most, in a lot of ways you couldn't really record anything, aside from how much they mentioned a brand or a book title, but you could listen. But Marianna did sometimes record this for herself. 
The guy with the dog reminded her of her dad. He died too early her mom used to say, but he was drinking and smoking so he was predicted to die when he did. The man with the dog would say the same things to his dog, as her dad used to. 

Wowwwwww gooood dogggg. Sit, sit, sit stay. Okay go find it. Woooooowwww

She would save some of these. And also when he would hum to himself, mostly while washing the dishes. She could imagine the hot water and the feel of the soaping water. Stacking wet plates on the drying rack. 

Okay sometimes she does get what Keith was saying, but she's not as weird as he is. 

The man with the dog did occupy most of her day.
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