
as reply to the den

Keith was day dreaming again. Before he slept in the den sometimes he would try to remember people who used to know. Then imagine what they would be doing now. One guy kept crossing his mind, Chris. He knew him when he was in highschool. Chris was always fighting, always mouthing off to teachers. He didn't care. The teachers would tell him to do work, Chris would just say no. Always though he passed the class, always he passed the tests. He just refused to do work he didn't want to do. He told Keith once, they were just walking to the busses. It was cold Keith remembered.

You know what your problem is? You listen too much, you don't gotta do half this shit. Life is just a lot of things you feel like you have to do, then you don't do anything you wanted. Not me man, Life's too short to act like that man. You are too afraid.

Keith remembered being so taken aback by these words. He never considered that before. He looked around the den. What the fuck I am doing here?
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