Whats your guy like Keith? Chris asked to change the subject.
My guy, uhhh. He looked around, no other groups were looking at them so he assumed they couldn't hear.
My guy is doing better, at least he didn't die, but usage definitely different. Way lower. Calls a lot of people. Less predictable schedule, more people coming over. I think happier, but I can't see all his data. I am still restricted.
After the stunt Keith pulled awhile back his data usage was restricted. So he still had a job, just couldn't access all the data. So he had to other streams to watch his guy. Mostly just his purchasing history, but even that was weird.
Yeah no deliveries now, once and while he orders books.
Have you guys ever looked at your files? Cal asked, mouth full of food.
The two looked a bit wide eye, a guy from another group turned, so both Keith and Chris said no, no way.
After that the conversation changed, Keith brought up the coffee.
Do you think they changed the coffee? Or something seems different. He said.
Chris looking around the room responded. Yeah man I think you're right, but to be honest I always get one here. I like talking to the people.
But its like they use the same machine, its just to make you feel like a cafe Keith said.
But man if it makes you feel better it doesn't matter Cal said.
Keith shrugged. Cal kept eating, and Chris got up to get a
Keith thought about asking Cal if he knew that city that Marianna mentioned. But instead texted Marianna, Where are you? How are you?. He stopped, and then deleted the message. Should he call her?