Keith when he was younger did stupid shit, not that he was stupid, just all the things he did were. If you added them up, and told someone objectively, they would think that was a bad kid. There was the codeine, and then pot, then the selling of both. He skipped school, then he broke into school once. The list just keeps going. Keith though never thought of himself as bad. Just at the wrong place, maybe wrong friends. Throughout all this, he also never got caught for the things he did, so this for some reason made him feel better. It's not like his parents knew.
Keith imagines them being proud of him, although he didn't know. In the pamphlets he'd read about
the writers made him feel proud about being there. His first year he did his job well. Too well, he stayed late and didn't do anything too weird. But now he didn't care, there wasn't so much holding him back.
His main worry was Marianna, he didn't trust that guy. Too unpredictable. It couldn't be Chris's guy, or maybe it was. Just too many coincidences he thought.
He thought about texting Marianna but didn't, he felt overwhelmed.