Too Fast

as reply to watching pizza grow

Mari was dubious of him. But she found it endearing, and then she imagined holding his head against her chest, and she imagined how warm it would be, and how his hair would smell. 

She didn't know about his grandfather yet, they talked many nights about nothing, and then sometimes it seemed like everything. It was the first person in this country she felt like understood her. One part of her mind though knew he was figuring too many things out. Had many changes to go through still. This didn't stop her from sharing meals together, and some things she never even told her parents. 

Nights like this she wished she could slow down time. Every time she checked her phone felt like a disappointment, so she started bringing desserts, and then coffee. Anything to squeeze out another drop of being together. She even made up an Argentinian coffee tradition that didn't exist, but she knew he wouldn't look it up. And who would he tell. It was long and drawn out, she had to grind the beans by hand and he'd help. Or they had to wait two minutes after grinding " to let the coffee settle" she would tell him. "Hmmm interesting, this is the problem with American coffee" he'd reply "Too fast". 

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