Toast and Coffee toast coffee

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Every so often Love was reminded of his past. Today spreading butter on toast, and listening to his coffee brew in the pot. He was reminded of his wife. How many mornings did they spend together, and different orientations they sat, and mugs they broke and cleaned.

She liked sandwiches with almond butter and bananas, and a little honey. Their youngest called it pooh bear snack. Their oldest pretended he didn't like it, but always finish his plate.

This recipe they even tried to change, sprinkling blue berries, or sesame seeds, but that would end of being too sour or nutty. Or just too different.

Today him and the kid were supposed to go to a gym. They needed wood floor. You can't do some moves on concrete. The kid also needed some exposure. Maybe some people would be there. Have to learn to deal with embarrassment too.

When Marc Love was the Blue Man he was never embarrassed on his videos. He just had to dance. There was no space to think if he looked silly. Of course he looked silly he was painted blue. But this kid he thought that was holding him back.

He took a bite of
 and it crunched. He poured himself some
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