Doug 23 - Flexed

as reply to Doug 22 G - fuck jack

Jack whenever he saw himself in the mirror smiled. How could he not, such a perfect smile and the muscles, and he was doing good for the world. 

His editor said that smile will win the audience, thats all they need, then he can tell his story. 

Jack smiled at himself.

"And an author." She walked in smiling his girlfriend. She touched his muscles, and admired him. 

"I never thought something this good could do so much good. And you can barely notice the scars."

"I was just coming up here to ask you your thoughts on a name. For the charity? I was thinking..." And with this she put her hand in the air like she was pointing far away. "Jack's Place: Doing good well." And with each word she punctuated with her hand opening like they were looking at it on a screen. 

Jack liked that, doing good well he thought. 

Then he looked down at his arms, then at his girlfriend. 

"Just think about it she said. " And she gave him a peck on the cheeks. 

"Oh I almost forgot almost time for my shower. And you should too, you didn't do your cold plunge yet, maybe we can film it generate more content?"

Jack didn't agree or disagree just followed her to their cold plunge pool while she set up the shot he prepared. 

"I'm Jack and this is how I start every morning!" He yelled into the camera and flexed. 
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