Big Joe when he woke up. Shaved his face, he liked the way it felt smooth. Hated when it was prickly. There was something that felt dirty about it. The day of the heist he didn't think about Butch. He was just doing a job. It was separate from his past. It was just work. He gargled with mouthwash and rinsed his mouth. Then his face. The small hairs mixing with the foam and the water from the tap.
What could go wrong he thought, as went through the actions. He wouldn't miss. Its more of James. What would he do? If he led it would be easier.
James reminded
Big Joe
of himself at that age. Looking for something else, looking for something big. So Big Joe would give it to him. He just needed to work, nobody works anymore.
Big Joe put sunscreen on his face and arms, then slipped over a white t-shirt. Clean. He had granola and yogurt his usual.
First he'd go to the market. Then he'd find James, now that plan was in motion there was nothing he could do to stop it, and he felt peace. He was ready for anything that could happen.