Float by

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Marianna’a plane was set to board. One way to Gas city. Someone surely thought that was a strange ticket. There were 5 or so people on the flight. Marianna wanted to know about them. Why were they going? She wanted to ask business or pleasure. Would you ever come back? How long were you staying? 

Instead Marianna sat in the back away from the rest. Everyone was spread out, but she felt especially alienated. Maybe it was her noise cancelling headphones, maybe it was something else, but she felt more like she wasn’t sitting in plane. But in some sort of video game. She knew she was flying, but it felt like she was still in space city day dreaming again about earth. A bad dream un connected.

The flight would be short though, that’s what the captain said, “We’ll have you down in about an hour and half. Thanks for flying with us to gas city.” Marianna focused out the window and watched clouds float by. 
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