We'll take another Ford Windstar

as reply to close enough to walk to

Kevin had a feeling like he should go too.

"Uhh if its alright I'll go too, I mean I'm almost done anyway."

Jerry didn't look up just replied "Yeah sure kid, sure. mmmm sure."

Kevin couldn't tell if that was a for sure yes, but he just went out any way. He felt anxious like he had to protect Elena, even though they just worked together really. There was one time she invited him over for a bonfire. He drank some beer and didn't really talk to anyone.

He walked fast to the doors, and then in parking lot.

"Elena wait up, uhh, do you, could you use some company."

"Kev I uh." She thought then worried if it was dangerous might as well.

"The more the merrier."

They climbed in her car an old van, a

"You gotta slam that hard." She said. 

"What? Oh." He shut it once carefully then a second time hard. 

"Okay we just gotta seen, there okay, yeah no door light so we're good. You got your phone just put it in."

She started backing up, and then was going to leave.

"Left or right?"

"Oh, uh one sec, left left, then up there we'll take another. "

Replies to We'll take another
There was one time she invited him over for a bonfire. He drank some beer and didn't really talk to anyone.

2023-12-11 01:00:25