More Readable Bloomingfoods Kroger

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“Something with everything doesn’t feel right.”

 With this the detective pulled the car into a bank. There was a sign in the door that said be back in thirty minutes. 

In the parking lot there was one other car, a grey one with spots of rust and a man inside. He was reading the paper. 

“Who does that anymore?” The detective said. 

“I think there’s too many things happening today. Especially the girl I think we have to find her.” 

“Yeah, we’re heading to her house.”

“She should have been there today. It’s strange. I worried.”

The wind blew in the trees and the detective looked around. It was sunny so he had to squint. The man in the car turned the page. 

“Love just left, I also don’t believe that, usually people like that are, loners. Or they did something he just seemed like a good employee. Both of em. You think someone is plotting against 

“It’s just a small food store, if there why not 
? There’s two even. These are the only deaths we’ve seen.”

“You think it’s a customer? Or Elena? She kills em both then leaves. For what, neither could have a lot of money. Even together, there’s no way.”

“Somethings strange.”

The man in the car flipped the page again, folding the newspaper to make it more readable. 
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