Looking For

as reply to the man who read newspapers

Out of the corner of his eye he noticed two man standing at their car. They went to the bank door looked at the sign and then walked back to the car. 

“Looks like they won’t get their money today.”

He chuckled to himself. 

The two man continued talking then one got in the car then the other. The first one slammed the door. Then they just sat there.

“Maybe they have patience after all.” He thought and sort of spoke out of the corner of his mouth. He folded the paper to look closer at his crossword. 

“It is weird they’re there.” Don’t they know the banks not open. It never is open. 

“Maybe they’re not from around here.” He thought and said chewing on his pen. 

Then the two men got in the car and left. 

“No patience, no patience anymore.” 

He had the pen now in his mouth like a cigarette. Still the men intrigued him. 

He tapped the pen on the car. 

“Why would you come to bank when it’s not open.” 

He hypothesised they were looking for someone or something about someone. 

“Hmm” he said and tapped his pen against his leg. 

Who were they looking for?
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